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My DIY Infrared Filter

Saturday, April 11, 2009

There is so many article to make your own cheap Infrared Filter in internet, the basic is using an over exposed film. Placed in front of your digital camera lens.

Unfortunately film camera are only 35 mm while many big digital camera have lens and filter thread larger than that. So we have to buy expensive real infrared filter.
Infrared photography is fun but also difficult, and need to do long exposure unless you have modified your camera for Infrared only, and different ( not real) , some day you might get bored. I think you have to try cheap DIY infrared filter first, and than decide will you go further to buy real infrared filter or even modificate your camera, or just leave it.

For Fuji S700/S5700 user, don’t worry, your lens is not that big. yes,it has 46mm thread but if you look at the lens you can see that the lens are small enough. So I decide to do the test to make DIY infrared filter. And it fit well.
This is how I made it.

Prepare your tool : scissor, cutter, ( Drinking water, matches, pack of cigarettes, just incase you need to drink and smoke), use a room with enough light.

Material you’ll need:
Overexposed film
Cd cover or every thick plastic with black color and light absolutely can’t penetrate.
A UV filter. you don’t have to destroy it. ( optional, just to make easier )

Cut your plastic circle , with 46mm diameter( just like the filter thread ) or 52mm if you use converter to 52mm.

Made a square hole with width as wide as possible, and height as wide as the film wide( not including the hole on film ) to make sure all covered with overexposed film.no light leak.

Cut 2 layer overexposed film and glue it infront of your plastic. It have to at least 2 layer. Not only one because 1 layer still don’t have Infrared effect.

Main part are finish now just place the plastic in front of UV filter, or just place it in filter thread .
now you ready to take a shot

make sure you hold it steady or use tripod

this is the result

taken from camera directly

modified with auto color and auto level

modifed to black and white